Starting in version 39, Chrome for Android supports the theme color meta tag, with which you can set a different color for the toolbar, other than the default grey to make your website look more closer to Material Design.

The syntax is simple. All you have to do is to add a meta tag to your page’s <head>  with the name="theme-color" , and set the content to any valid CSS color.

<meta name="theme-color" content="#db5945"/>

Change #db5945  according to your preferences or your theme's color scheme.


Note: In order to get this experience, you need to be running Android 5.0, update to the latest versions of Chrome, and turn “Merge tabs and apps” to “on,” which merges your tabs into the app switcher.

I know it's a subtle change to your theme, but with this your theme will look more consistent and closer to Material Design on Lollipop devices.

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