Samsung has introduced its new J Series in India with the launch of Galaxy J5 and Galaxy J7 on Thursday. The smartphones, which have been available in China since last month, fit into the mid-range segment based on their low prices, but both the devices offer impressive specifications and cutting-edge technology. While the smaller Samsung Galaxy J5 is priced at Rs. 11,999, its larger sibling, the Galaxy J7, will cost you Rs. 14,999. Both available to pre-order Flipkart, but will ship on July 24. 

The two new phones are also positioned by Samsung as affordable devices for gamers as they can potentially deliver smooth online gaming experiences using 4G LTE connectivity.

Both devices are powered by Android 5.1.1 but have a few differences. The Samsung Galaxy J5 features a 5-inch Super Amoled HD display; a 1.2GHz quad-core Snapdragon 410 SoC; 1.5GB of RAM; 8GB of built-in storage; a 13-megapixel rear autofocus camera; a 5-megapixel front camera, and a 2,600mAh battery. As for theSamsung Galaxy J7, it features a 5.5-inch screen; 16GB of inbuilt storage, a 1.5GHz octa-core Exynos 7580 SoC, and a 3,000mAh battery. Both handsets' inbuilt storage can be expanded via microSD card (up to 128GB).

As for storage, the Galaxy J5 on display at the event reported around 4.6GB free out of 8GB, and the Galaxy J7 showed roughly 11.5GB of 16GB free for users. MicroSD cards of up to 128GB can be used, so customers might not need to consider the Galaxy J5's lower amount of inbuilt storage a limitation. The main differences between the two models are the larger display and the slightly better battery life of the Galaxy J7.

Samsung Galaxy J5 (Key Features)

Display: 5.00-inch, Processor: 1.2GHz, Front Camera: 5-megapixel, Resolution: 720x1280 pixels, RAM: 1.5GB, OS Android: 5.1, Storage: 8GB, Rear Camera: 13-megapixel, Battery capacity: 2600mAh

Samsung Galaxy J7 (Key Features)

Display: 5.50-inch, Processor: 1.5GHz, Front Camera: 5-megapixel, Resolution: 720x1280 pixels, RAM: 1.5GB, OS Android: 5.1, Storage: 16GB, Rear Camera: 13-megapixel, Battery capacity: 3000mAh

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