Cyber Bullying Definition - Cybercrime that targets school kids via digital means in order to intimidate and harass children. Other cyber crimes include cyber harassment, cyber stalking and identity theft. These cybercrimes are permeating a cyber space that spans the digital spectra of cellular and handheld devices, computer (PC, MAC) and console games such as PlayStation, XBox and the Nintendo Wii. These devices allow very young children to access Online Gaming forums, social media sites (Facebook, MySpace) and other communication channels such as chat and webcam applications. Victims of online cyber harassment are succumbing to this growing online threat and learning that, just like with Identity Theft, recovery can sometimes be impossible. Cyber bullying is not constrained by National or State boundaries.

Cyber stalking is commonly linked to cyberbullying, a link that is delineated by the common age groups amongst each crime's demographic. Cyber stalking is typically associated with adult victims, whereas the term cyber bullying is commonly affiliated with teenager and middle school kids. As Cyber definitions continue to be indexed, this differentiation continues to seem appropriate.

The public and private humiliation experienced by cyberbullying victims can lead to further anti-social behavior to include shunning. Online threats are not necessarily easy to spot, especially if attacks are targeting young family members that have been forced into silence. The 2006 suicide of Megan Meier opened the Public's eyes to the impact of cyber bullying, and the tragic cost when the behavior goes unreported. Megan Meier's suicide spurred Federal Legislators to consider legislating Cyber Bullying, although Legislators balked at the opportunity to add legislation that limits Free Speech, when States currently lump cyberbullying crimes into State level legislation.

The Emotional maturity levels of today's youth, combined with their neiveity or defensiveness about their behavior online, combine to create an environment where a cyberbully can seed his/her victim(s). Digital information flies past the speed of light like a personal diary shuffled through the hands of any schoolyard bully. Quickly, the unthinkable can become a cyberbully victim's reality as social development and responsibility levels allow online threats to become more of a mountain and less of a molehill. Parents, Guardians and all others responsible for child safety need to proactively drive open and honest conversations pointed at targeting any threats to a family unit.

Silent victims and bystanders promote the growth of a predator's power, and this power grows as he/she tears apart a child's psyche through the use of fear and humlitiation. The silence from victims and others privy to cyber bullying is deafening. It is critical that parents and children alike take steps to ensure that authorities can be alerted to cyber harassment such as cyber bullying. A united front supplements the security behind online disciplines and applications designed to prevent attacks from permeating the security of the home.

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