The easiest way to create a website is to use one of the free open-source content management systems. Many bloggers choose Wordpress because it has a simpler user interface and beginners need less learning. Joomla is considered to be more complicated and not suitable for beginners. The truth is that for every new system you have to learn something new and the best method is learning by doing. Joomla is universal CMS, you can adapt it for almost any online purpose. If you have no experience with creating websites or content management systems, Joomla has everything needed to make the first steps in online presence. One of the strengths of Joomla is also a great web community. For any problem you may encounter there is some answer on the web waiting for you.
To get first experience and to learn the basic principles of creating web pages it is best to have Joomla installed on your computer. Since typical web CMS is not a desktop application but only a script, you need a special environment to run it. This means Apache web server, MySQL database and PHP processor. You don't have to install them separately, there are some simple solutions like WampServer or EasyPHP which provide everything needed to run any PHP script. You will also need a database--install phpMyAdmin and use it to create one database and remember its name, username and password. Joomla installation is also very simple, you simply unpack the archive in the www folder and start the installation procedure. You will have to enter the database data and a password for administration. You will also be asked whether to install sample data. You should do it unless you already know Joomla. After the installation is finished you have a working website. You can test it in the browser by entering "localhost" or the address of the computer where you have installed it into the address bar of the web browser.
You will need some time to understand basic principles of CMS and website creation. Simply log in to the administration back-end and check all menus to see what is available there. Try to make some changes and see what effect they have on the website. You should also search web for Joomla tutorials. Again, if you are new to Joomla and web content management systems you will need some time before you will be able to make the website according to your needs and taste. Whenever you have a question or problem simply Google for it. Joomla has a big community of developers and users, every task or problem is already described somewhere.
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