Java  is a high level object oriented language. When we compile  java  code it first gets converted into highly efficient byte code by the  java  compiler. The generated byte code is then interpreted by a peace of software called  java  virtual machine.

What is  java  virtual machine?
 Java  virtual machine is the software which interprets compiled  java  byte code and runs the  java   program .  Java  virtual machine is also known as JVM.
As  Java  code is first compiled into byte code and then the  java  virtual machine interprets and runs the code,  java  has achieved the platform independence.  Java  virtual machine is available for almost all the platforms, right from windows to various handheld devices.

How  Java  Virtual Machine works ?
JVM does not have any information regarding the programming language. It knows only binary format of the byte code. The class file generated by the  java  compiler contains the byte code in the format which JVM can understand. We can generate the byte code that adhers to this format in any programming language.
Every  java   program  must run within the boundries defined by the JVM. The code run inside the JVM can not go beyond the security constraints defined by the JVM. This is one of the reason why  java  application are considered as secure applications over internet.

Source by Rahim V.

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