To start off, you should first confirm that you're using the best Permalinks setting for WordPress. Go to Settings > Permalinks, then click the Custom button and add the following code:


This will make nice URLs that are named after your documents instead of the default URL structure "?p=123" which is ugly and bad for search engines.

The next concept to grasp is the parent-child relationship with pages. A parent is a top-level page; it's children, everything else below. Children are also known as sub-pages and they're a handy way of organizing the content in your site, especially if your template has a drop down menu.

Now, let's say you're linking from the homepage to a page several sub-pages deep. First, go to the new page you've made and copy the URL which appears right under the page title. For example:


Notice that I don't have the domain name. It's not necessary. Now, if I'm on the home page and I'm making a link to the Adding Images page, I just select my text, click the link icon and paste the link in.

But what if I want to make a link from one page to another, in this case a link from this page:


to this page:


The correct link on the Adding Images page would look like this:


Notice the extra periods and forward slash? This is the bit of code that tells the system to go "up" one level to editing-content, then come back "down" to the page that exists at the same level.

If this is at all confusing, you can find a video version of this tutorial at the link below, where it's explained visually, inside the WP interface.

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