Postgre SQL vs MySQL is a loaded question indeed. Both are great applications and often the choice of which to use is purely a matter of personal preference. However they can be compared side by side to try to help users decide which might be the right choice for them.

  • Features: Here probably PostgreSQL has the advantage. MySQL does not support stored procedures, sub queries views or cursors, which was probably a big mistake on the part of the MySQL developers, although their claim is that such features are not necessary. However you probably need to consider if you really need the extra features in PostgreSQL at all, as many developers really do not have any real use for them.

  • Support: This term can of course have a number of meanings. As MySQL is far more widely used many more applications support it, and that also means there is a wider community available to assist and offer advice about problems you may encounter in every day use. PostgreSQL does however have many active mailing lists and forums, and there are a few commercial concerns offering support services, so both applications are fairly well matched in this area.

  • Ease of use: This is a toughie. This is how a debate between users of the two usually goes; Person A: "Well MySQL is easier to use because" then Person B immediately interrupts with "No, fool, PostgreSQL is much easier because" and the debate goes round in circles. In reality just because Person A finds MySQL easier does not mean that Person C will and the same for PostgreSQL. This is truly a matter of personal taste, and new users might to well to try working a little with each, to decide for themselves which is the better choice.

  • Stabilty: In press releases MySQL claims to be more than stable, but the buzz often is that this is not quite true. This may be due in part to the fact that some of the features in recent upgrades to MySQL are still "under construction" as it were.

  • Speed: MySQL was designed to be a speedy database, while PostgreSQL touts itself as a more fully featured application, although both seem to be trying to meet somewhere in the middle with recent modifications, and the difference in speed is becoming pretty much a non issue.

  • Licensing: MySQL is most commonly used as a working model for Open Source firms attempting to generate income. It is released under the GNU GPL (general public license) which does require that derivative works be licensed in the same way, although commercial licenses are available for those who do not want to work under that kind of limitation. PostgreSQL uses a BSD license, which really allows the use of any code, so long as the original credits are maintained.

So, as you can see, there is no clear winner in this contest, and the new user should draw his or her own conclusions based upon what best works for their unique needs.

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