I have learned and I am sure have too, that marketing your business on the Internet is time consuming. It is probably the single most time consuming activity that you are doing in your business right now. It doesn't matter if you're an affiliate marketer, real estate agent, floral designer, web designer,etc. To make any kind of impact, internet marketing will consume a lot of your time.

What happens to your business when you are focused mainly on the old type of marketing strategies? I do it and I am sure your doing all the same things. Spending time to click all those banners on the safe lists, looking for the best lead sources, buying over priced leads, finding the best pay for click sites, joining every affiliate based business's you can find, etc..in hopes to get all those important prospects to see your business opportunity.

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that doing the above things do not work and not to stop doing them. I am saying there is a better way to be more productive with your time.

Here is what is wrong with the old Marketing Scenario I mentioned above.

Your content suffers due to lack of time.

Your sales funnel process is half baked due to lack of time.

Your prospect follow up series is scattered due to lack of time.

You are not thinking about repeat customers due to lack of time.

Your customer service may be lacking.

You don't have time to develop and implement new prospect conversion strategies. You don't have time to check your stats or do testing to determine the effectiveness of one strategy over another. The list goes on, and on...

What if their was a way to minimize or eliminate all the above time consuming activities, would you be interested in taking a look? Well there is and it is called  Social   Media  Syndication.

This is the concept of outsourcing your marketing to 1,000′s and 1,000′s of other individuals on social sites like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, MySpace, Digg and other 100′s of social sites out there. Basically you will tweet or make a post to your list on Twitter, Facebook, etc. that you just posted a new blog entry so take a look (Do Not Send an Advertisement or Sales Pitch). The great thing is if you have a list of just a 1,000 (some people have 10,000 and more) and just 1% retweet or make a comment on your blog post you just had 10 people send your blog link to their lists, which could be 1,000′s and 1,000 of people.

By doing the above action your marketing effort/time was just minimized but not totally maximized because you can not guarantee if any one on your list will send your tweet or place a comment to anyone on their list. More than likely some of them well which gets the ball rolling.

What if you could form a join a group of 10, 50, 100 or more like minded marketing professionals that would syndicate/reciprocate your blog post/content automatically every time you updated your blog or made a new blog post, would you be interested in finding our more about forming a group like this? I will assume you would because you are reading my post.

I had this idea about a month ago and contacted a few of my internet friends about this concept and it has blossomed into a group of over 100 people. Keep this in mind, we are not all in the same product or service based company. The beauty of this concept is that it doesn't matter if you are selling health products, marketing an ebook, etc. it will work. It is the equivalent of having 100 people promoting your content across the social sites and the search engines so you don't have to do it alone. That is what it is all about... Automation and Power in Numbers. This frees you up to do the important things like creating content for your blog and cultivating personnel relationships. Personnel Relationships are the key to Success, no matter what you are involved with.

Since the whole  Social   Media  Marketing Plan revolves around your Blog Site/Central Hub it is imperative that you set up your blog site as soon as possible. You can start your own group at any time but to maximize your business I would do it as soon as you can. If you are not sure where to start or how to set up your blog, no problem, I have plenty of videos and information to get you started. Feel free to contact me directly if you need help getting started. Remember your success is based on building strong relationships.

Source by Henry Kretchmer

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