So you have head of "Web 2.0 Marketing" and would like to know how you can apply this in your business? In this article we will cover the top 10 strategies that work for me in my business and how you can use them.
What Is Web 2.0?
According to Wikipedia the definition is "The second generation of the World Wide Web, especially the movement away from static webpages to dynamic and shareable content and social networking" - So basically lots of features that have come from things like Blogs including "Comments" and "RSS Feeds" are some of the most important and more wildly used.
Free Web 2.0 Sites
There are many free user generated content Web 2.0 sites that are now available for you to use. Where you can submit your content, all of them include RSS Feeds and the ability for visitors to leave comments, some will have even more features such as the Blogging platforms.
So What Is So Good About Having Comments?
The search engines like frequently updated content, by having comments on your website this allows other people to create this content for you for free without you having to update it yourself. What they write in their comments may even get you traffic from the search engines that you may never have got before.
What's So Good About Having RSS Feeds?
RSS Feeds have 2 main benefits, firstly it allows your visitors to subscribe to the page via their RSS Reader which will alert them if anything changes or is added to the web page resulting in returning traffic to your website.
The second major and overlooked benefit is that you can submit the feeds to RSS directories which will give you back links to your web page which will help push you up in the search engine results and can get you even more traffic.
What Is The Benefit Of Syndicating Your Content To Web 2.0 Sites?
Well the biggest benefit is the fact that that the ones I am about to share with you rank really well in the search engine results so you get traffic for keyword phrases that you just wouldn't have a chance ranking for with a new website and domain.
The other benefits of course are things like you don't have to buy a domain name or even keep paying for web hosting to keep a web page up on these sites. You also get on site search traffic which would never be entitled to if the page was not on their website to begin with.
Top 10 Sites You Can Syndicate To:
All of these sites will support "Comments" and "RSS Feeds" and rank well in the search engines and are worth syndicating your content to:
How To Promote Your Web 2.0 Sites?
Like any web page SEO (Search Engine Optimization) rules apply you should build up links to these pages from other websites in order to help boost your results in the search engines.
Some places you can get links (and some traffic) from:
1) RSS Directories (Submit Your RSS Feeds Here)
2) Social Bookmarking Sites
3) Other Web 2.0 Sites
4) Article Directories
5) Blog Comments
6) Forum Signatures
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