When dealing with website development, there is lots of scripting language that you can choose from depending on how you want to develop your website. You can use AJAX, HTML, CSS. Flash, Illustrator and a lot of other scripting languages that are commonly used nowadays. One of the most popular scripting languages is the JavaScript . Although it may sound like it was a part of the popular programming language which is Java that was developed by Sun, JavaScript is entirely different from it.
It was introduced with Netscape Navigator for website development and is designed to build dynamic online pages, used to check details on html forms before the page is allowed to submit any data. You can use JavaScript to manipulate webpages for it to be able to perform variety of functions. Although there are lots of available JavaScript codes that you can just copy online, you still need to learn its basics if you want it to do what it have to do. You do not need to learn HTML as well, as JavaScript does not use it. What you need to know about HTML is where you should place your JavaScript so that it will function properly.
Most web developers use JavaScript so that there can be an interaction between the visitor and the webpages. If you are into website development, of course you need your visitors to be able to interact with the website dynamically as nobody likes a stale webpage that just sit there. It is also helpful in protecting your passwords, detecting browsers and displaying information. JavaScript allows the website designer to have more control over the user's browser and how the browser will see the webpages.
When writing a JavaScript , you can simply use a notepad instead of doing it directly into your HTML document to avoid messing it up. You should also have a browser that is compatible with JavaScript so that you will be able to see if your script is working just fine. Remember that testing is essential in website development to make sure that you are getting your desired output. JavaScript is not as complicated as the other scripting languages, as long as you know the basics, especially the terms, then you will never go wrong in writing your own script.
If you do not want to go through writing the scripts for your website development, you can just simply go online and search for websites that can give you access to customizable JavaScript snippets wherein you can just copy and paste your customized objects and place it into your website. Although JavaScript can help you develop your website into something dynamic, you should also avoid scripts such as mouseover sounds, mouse trailers, mouseover popup windows and mouseover redirects, as these scripts might irritate your visitors most of the time making them leave your website instead of staying longer. If you want to learn more about JavaScripts and how to write it, there are several tutorials that you can find online and these tutorials can definitely help you develop your website into something greater that what you could have expected.
Source by
Marc Ariad
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