Social Media in 7 Minutes (SMI7M) is a revolutionary online training program designed to not only educate small business owners on how to apply social media into their marketing plan, but also to provide a practical tool which will allow them to implement their marketing plan in just 7 minutes a day.

SMI7M was developed by Black Box Social Media, LLC (BBSM), and Mike Dillard. BBSM is a social media marketing for business consulting group who works with higher end clients, such as former Reality TV Stars, Professional Sports Teams, International Motivation Speakers, Gurus, Infomercial products, etc... Mike Dillard is perhaps one of the most well-respected internet marketing experts in the field today and owner of such multi million dollar companies as the Elevation Group and Better NetWorker. The goal of creating SMI7M was to provide small businesses with the opportunity to understand, create, and implement a social media marketing plan that works in today's tough economic climate.

What Makes Social Media in 7 Minutes Unique?

There are two specific traits to SMI7M that separate it from any other training program:

First, SMI7M is an online video training series. The benefit is that the trainings will be continuously adapted to fit the ever changing dynamic of social media. BBSM Co-Founder Curt Maly says the following:

"If you write a book on social media, it will be outdated by the time it is printed due to the evolving nature of the technology. With SMI7M, we update our videos to match the rapidly chaotic changes of the industry. We update our users; we host webinars to explain new technologies (such as Google+), and we reshoot our videos to provide easy to follow step by step directions on how to implement and perform. There is no other living, breathing training system for small businesses like this available anywhere else!"

Currently, SMI7M offers over 30 video step by step 'how-to' trainings with workbooks revolving around the business utilization of social sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Foursquare. The first part of the video series, it's 'foundation' part, details how to set up and design each social site; which is perfect for beginners. The remaining trainings gradually increase in it's degree of difficulty as the creators slowly reveal their ninja tricks that will allow you to unlock the unlimited potential of this great marketing tool. The trainings also have manuals on how to set up online directories, such as Google Places, Yelp, BingLocal, YahooLocal, etc... to further boost your SEO and social interaction.

As new technologies emerge, such as Google+, SMI7M will create new how-to videos to show users exactly how to set up and utilize these latest technologies.

The second unique benefit of SMI7M is it's own software tool called the '7 Minute Dashboard'. The 7 Minute Dashboard is the crux of the SMI7M product. Once you've been trained on and set up your social media accounts, this tool will allow you to manage all of your accounts from one location quickly, efficiently, simply, and in just 7 minutes a day. The 7 Minute Dashboard will allow users to perform the following functions from one location:

  • Update all Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn feeds

  • Schedule out future posts

  • Respond to all emails, responses, and engagements

  • Update and syndicate all blogs

  • Create and Send Text Messages

  • Create and Send Email blasts

  • Provide detailed marketing reports

  • and much more!

BBSM Co-Founder Nick Bridges details the importance of the 7 Minute Dashboard:

"The problem with most trainings is while they provide great information, the user generally doesn't know how to implement the training; how to put it into action. Our 7 Minute Dashboard is designed to allow small business owners the ability to turn their education into action by managing all of their social media sites in just 7 minutes a day. I don't care how busy you are, you can always find an extra 7 minutes a day to help promote your product and service and make more profits!"

Just as websites are ingrained in Business Marketing 101 as a 'must-have' for all businesses, social media now is a requirement for every website. Here are some telling statistics about the impact that social proof has on influencing consumer buying decisions:

  • 14% of people trust ads while 76% of people trust consumer recommendations

  • 81% of said they'd received advice from friends and followers relating to a product purchased through a social site, and 75% of those who received such advise found it to be influential in their buying decision

  • 80% of US Internet using moms were influenced by word of mouth from friends and family when making a purchasing decision

This great social technology allows businesses to interact with their customers and potential clients and provide social proof in a more personal manner than ever before. A successful social media marketing campaign will have a extremely high ROI with minimal time or monetary investment...if you know what you are doing. Hiring employees is time consuming, risky, and costly. Outsourcing these functions to other marketing consulting companies is very expensive. SMI7M, with its 7 Minute Dashboard is the cost effective, time saving solution to the challenge of 'how to create and implement a social media marketing plan' for small businesses today.

Source by Tom Bukacek

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