When you are going to arrange your site in the Internet, you should start with a hosting provider. But before you choose a hosting company, you should know their main types. You also should know what functions of hosting you will need.

As a rule, this choice depends on the programming languages which hosting can support. For example, if you use PHP, Perl or MySQL on the site, you will prefer a Linux server. But if you are going to use ASP, you'd better choose  Windows  hosting. Then,  Windows-hosting  is good if you use  Windows  oriented technologies such as Visual Basic.

Actually  Windows  platform is a choice of people who can be divided into two major groups: those who understand nothing in hosting and think that  Windows  platform will be easier for their understanding, and those who, on the contrary, knows that they need  Windows  hosting exactly.

Advantages of a hosting on  Windows  server

1. NET technologies, such as ASP are accessible on the  Windows  platform. If you have a site created on Microsoft. NET technologies, you will have to select a hosting on a  Windows  server.

2. ASP.NET technology is very interesting itself, as the language is compiled. It has a lot of additions and can bet any php or perl.  Windows  hosting can also support Net Framework, MSSQL.

One more advantage is that with Unix you will never manage to work properly with ASP and ASP.NET, but  Windows  can "co-work" with almost all popular PHP/MySQL scripts and additions.

3. If you need a big database for a company,  Windows  platform will be the best choice.

4. Access databases work only with hosting on a  Windows  server. Access can be started only on the Microsoft  Windows  platform, and, thus, cannot work with Linux hosting. If your site assumes this function, you will have to reconcile to hosting on a  Windows  server.

5.If you use some of Microsoft's Sharepoint tools,  Windows  platform will be an only reliable choice for you. Only  Windows  hosting gives valuable Microsoft-specific business solutions like Sharepoint Services, Microsoft CRM, Exchange.

6. You can administrate via Remote Desktop, this program now comes with all  Windows  XP versions. So, you do not need to upload any additional utilities like Radmin, VNC, etc.

 Windows  hosting, as a rule, is more expensive because of expenditures on Microsoft licenses, but still it supposes good support and administration.

Source by Alesia Arefjeva

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