Windows or Linux? Which operating system is more secure and better protects your privacy? These questions have been frequently raised by many technology professionals and home users over the past decade. Each operating system (OS) has its own place within an enterprise and at home. If you are looking for a widely accepted standard with myriad of self-support options, and you are comfortable using Windows desktop operating system, then I would stick to Windows for home use. Linux is definitely not ready to completely overtake Windows desktop; however, the play field may level in the near future if the community becomes ready to invest in Research and Development. If you would like to become more familiar with the Linux operating system, have a look at Ubuntu's Linux distribution. They offer an easy option of downloading and running an entire operating system from a bootable Compact Disk without installing it on the hard-drive.

Linux OS is not as popular considering the number of installations worldwide, however, some IT professionals choose Linux over Windows as their enterprise platform, and/or as a middleware/security appliance environment.

For example, you could procure and purchase either Web or SPAM filter solution for the organization that based on the organization's size may cost between $5,000 to a $100,000. Alternatively, you could implement an open-source (Linux based) solution that is free and has almost the same and sometimes greater functionality and free or paid support options compared to the proprietary software.

At present, many open-source vendors offer great paid support options as a subscription.

If you consider the return on investment (ROI), I would say that Windows-based environment requires less administration, and therefore resources to support it and the support skills are more common and are easier to find. Strong Linux administrators and support professionals are often more difficult to find and train.As far as security is concerned, the most common misconception is that Windows OS is less secure that for example Linux. Considering that majority of personal computers worldwide are powered by the Windows OS, I am not surprised that Microsoft Windows is getting more attention by both hackers, and media, while an open-source Linux remains behind the scenes with fewer installs.

Bottom line is; I like the idea of using Linux, and other open-source applications as Windows alternative; however, they are not yet ready to completely replace Windows PC, and Windows Server platforms.When it comes to information security, one of the best ways to protect your information using either Windows or Linux is to ensure that you have good antivirus and antispyware solution installed and operational on your PC.

Source by Steve Driz

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