WordPress basics are an easy start for anybody. WordPress can be a bit intimidating at the beginning, but with all the information at your disposal, you don't have to get overwhelmed. You can learn the basics in one weekend and master the whole thing in a short time.

At the beginning, it can be difficult to distinguish what is important in a   WordPress  basics  tutorial , but for a start you should know that  WordPress  doesn't mean using too many unnecessary plugins. They can be redundant and interfere the ones against the others.

Here is a  WordPress  basics  tutorial  with the 10 clues that will turn you into a seasoned  WordPress  user:

1. The first thing you'll need in WordPress basics is a domain name and a hosting.This is the "work place". Then you can start learning a little about CSS, html, xhtml and php and practice through trial and error, cutting and pasting little bits of code. You can start with the default template and learn every part of it.

2. Wordpress basics mean to be aware of what is already built in. There are some things that need a bit of explanation. A WordPress site is made of different elements. They include the actual files that make things go and the database that contains all the data.

3. The files and the database generate the web pages for your site. There are two types of areas in the pages, the admin area, which only you will see, and the public pages that your visitors can see.

4. The admin area is the WordPress basics. It is only seen by the site administrators. You have a web browser to create and control all the content and manage the site. The content that you create in the admin area is stored in the database. Then the files interact with the database to give form to the site that your visitors will see.

5. You can go to WordPress.org and download a copy of Wordpress, which are the core files. These are the files that you will use to build WordPress site, although you only will deal with some of them.

6. The files only provide the necessary functions to display the content stored in the database. The database is something that you can't see, it's something in the cloud that does its work. However it is the most important thing in WordPress. The data contain all the posts, pages, revisions, comments and users.

7. WordPress generates templates. This is a very efficient idea as it is easy for you to customize and change your site whenever you desire. WordPress uses CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), which is a file that controls the design for all the pages. With one little edit you can change part of your design in a few clicks, and you don't need to go one by one through hundreds of pages.

8. WordPress is very successful among users because it is very flexible and efficient. You can easily change your template with just a few clicks. You can upload a new theme whenever you like and when you activate it, all the content in your sites flows into the new theme.

9. Besides, you can use widgets to add new content to your sidebar. You only need to open its php and add whatever you need. If your theme is widget-ready, you will be able to add, alter or remove content from your sidebar without touching any code.

10. You can get some practice by creating a test blog in a subfolder. If you don't want that search engines find it, set it to be private. You can add different templates and practice anything. You can try with using different features and chop and paste from many other themes. WordPress basics is a good way to start to create or customize your WordPress themes.

WordPress is so flexible and extensible that you can always create the best theme for your site or blog. It will easily match your brand and give more reach and exposure to your business. Get a much deeper insight into WordPress basics with this totally free video course right now -> Wordpress Genius Lessons

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