Joomla templates are available by the thousands all over the internet. There are two versions of some of these themes; they are the Joomla 1.0.X and the Joomla 1.5.X. templates. So, when you are looking for that perfect Joomla template for you website, make sure it is compatible with the program's core version that you have. You will definitely need to know which type you will need.
This popular program is open source software; this means that anyone can write and extension to the core components of the initial software, whether it is a module, plugin, theme etc. This is why there are so many available options to the core of the software available on the market today. You can actually write you own guide if you really wanted to.
Whether you write your own version of the programs template or you acquire one over the internet, just remember that the template that you choose will define the style, theme, layout, and overall feel of your website. You will want to make sure that the one that you choose, will be the right one, that gives the right feel and style to your website. One key issue is: if you want a truly unique theme, style, layout and design to your website, you will not want to purchase a readymade theme. Your best bet is to either write it yourself or to hire a designer to do it for you. You will have to pay the designer for the work done, but you will own all rights to that particular Joomla template; therefore, meaning that no other website on the web will be able to use it.
I only recommend writing your own if you have knowledge of HTML, CSS and understand about compressed and zipped files and extensions. One mistake can throw the whole website guide out of whack because all folders, files and the alike have to work together in the way that the version's core functionality is designed; otherwise, your layout and features will either look "funny" or simply won't work at all. There is, however, software programs available that will allow someone will little knowledge of these aspects to write their own templates. Of course, you will have to pay for them. There are also step-by-step instructions available on the internet on how to do this and how to do it with Adobe Dreamweaver. Again, it is advisable that you have some sort of knowledge about the above mentioned items or you could get lost in all of the mumbo jumbo that goes along with it.
To find some of these themes, all you have to do is do a search for them. When searching for these templates with whatever search engine that you are using, there will be literally hundreds of sites that will pop up. Those sites will bring thousands of results.
That perfect template is out there, somewhere. The one that you want that will give your website that "WOW" factor that you have been looking for; however, it may take you a while to sort through all of the possible options that are available, before you come across that one that will knock your socks off.
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