When you search for a web hosting company, you often find the word " Linux  Web Hosting". If you are a little technical person then you might know what is  linux  web hosting. In this article, I am going to give you details about  Linux  web hosting.

What Is  Linux ?

To understand about  Linux  web hosting, you need to understand what is  Linux ? In simple words,  Linux  is an operating system just like Windows 98, Windows XP or Windows Vista. You can do your daily computer task by installing  Linux  on your system.


 Linux  is a Unix like operating system.  Linux  was developed by Linus Torvalds in 1991. Torvald wanted to make a non-commercial replacement of Minix. Eventually, he came up with  Linux  kernel. A kernel is a core part of  Linux  operating system.

Free Source Code

 Linux  source code is freely available to everyone. Those who have slight idea about  Linux  always misunderstand things.  Linux  itself may not be free. The source code is free if you purchase any  Linux  distribution like RedHat or Ubuntu.  Linux  might cost you but you will get a source code free with  Linux  distribution. You are free to edit that source code as long as you follow the guidelines under GNU's General Public License.

What You Will Get With  Linux  Web Hosting?

Now you know what  Linux  is. You need to understand what you will get with  Linux  hosting and how  Linux  hosting works.

LAMP software bundle is used in any company providing  Linux  web hosting. LAMP stands for  Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP /Perl/Python

 Linux , you know, is an operating system. Apache is a web server. Like  Linux , Apache is also an open source project. Apache is widely used web server. It's not that Apache only runs on  Linux . For Windows also, Apache is available. For serving HTML pages, web server is needed. Most  Linux  shared hosting uses Apache to server pages.

MySQL is a database. MySQL provides multi users access to many databases. For implementing an advance application, you need database access.

PHP/Perl/Python are programming language used for making very advance web application. Most of  Linux  web hosting supports PHP. Perl and Python are not supported by all web hosting providers. Only few web hosting providers support Perl and Python language.

Windows Hosting Vs  Linux  Hosting

When you want to host your web site, you might be confused about whether to choose Windows hosting or  Linux  hosting. There is not a major difference between Windows hosting and  Linux  hosting.

Windows is a property of Microsoft. If you are going to use any Microsoft applications like ASP.Net, Visual C++ or Frontpage, then it's advisable that you use Windows hosting.

From performance point of view there is not much difference between Windows and  Linux  hosting.  Linux  systems are more stable and less vulnerable to security breach. So with  Linux  hosting, you can expect more up time.  Linux  system runs for long time without rebooting. Windows need frequent rebooting after upgrade.

Major difference comes in price.  Linux  hosting is cheaper than Windows hosting. So if you are looking for cheap and reliable web hosting with no special usage of any Microsoft application then you should choose  Linux  web hosting.

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