What a great world we live in! We've got all these amazing opportunities, freedom of speech (in many places, it at least seems so), ability to study for everyone, including women etc. just to name a few. Social Media has taken over massive amount of social interactions, sharing of news and showcasing yourself to the world in ways it was never possible before. And yet, will all those great improvements, we have more people dealing with stress, addictions, depression or other mental illnesses. What happened?
I wonder if by speeding up the pulse of life we fail to nurture the real values in life?
With your profile on Facebook it's no longer just the clothes you wear or the clubs you belong to but the amount of friends and the profile picture you show. Internet dating allows us to choose a profile picture of ourselves 10 years ago when we were slimmer, sexier and on holiday with a previous partner. Words like 'busy' and 'appointment' helps us to get around the fact that we are not keen to help our in-laws fix the roof without having to hurt their feelings. What is happening to us?
Publishing improves transparency
WikiLeaks seems to be a popular topic currently and I agree with their philosophy of "Publishing improves transparency, and this transparency creates a better society for all people." In day-to-day life, publishing means speaking up, sharing, expressing, communicating - wow, that's what interpersonal relationships are about! Make your emotions and thoughts public, rather than needing to store them up and they use up your energy before you let them explode.
Speaking the unspeakable
Recently I worked with a client who spoke about him blowing up in a meeting, telling the people what was overdue for a long while, some of them silently nodding in agreement happy for someone else to speak the unspeakable and point out the elephant in the room. He realized that this issue had been playing on his mind and partly creating stress and disharmony in the rest of his life and relationship. Blurting out his truth, uncovering the lies and deceit was physically challenging and left him shaky and tired. The group of people who were meeting however couldn't simply go back to how things were before and pretend to be blissfully unaware; they had to and did rise to a new level of teamwork.
Rise to the occasion
What have you not said that is playing on your mind? Which of your relationships might need an authenticity upgrade? What is the fear that keeps you from being totally honest with yourself and with others around you?
Start today with yourself. Practice tomorrow with something small and simple. Notice the shift inside of you.
Remember: Take small steps.
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