The World Wide Web is something the world just can't do without in today's times. Millions of people around the world go to the internet before making any buying decision. So when starting a new business or a new venture, ignoring the internet may prove to be a costly mistake. If you don't know what to do when it comes to online marketing, then perhaps this article is going to help you. It may also be that you are already a seasoned veteran in online marketing. However, reading this list of important marketing tools is only going to help you.
a) Google Ad Planner: This is one of those media planning tools that not many people know about or use, but it is really great! This tool lets businesses identify specific target audiences for their products and services and then create an ad plan based on it. The tool lets one find out where a business's interest- based targets are browsing online and makes it possible to place ads there. This being a free service by Google can be used by anyone and everyone
b) Firebug: This is another marketing tool that is important in the online world. For the proper promotion of your business, you need web development tools and Firebug is a service that is free of cost. Sometimes, ad codes on an advertiser's website does not work or need to be changed. For this, Firebug is the perfect tool to use.
c) Traffic Estimator: Now this is another important online marketing tool that you need, especially if you are just starting out. This is a tool that has been designed to give people cost estimates and keyword search on search engines that are popularly used. This tool will let you put in keywords, budgets, geographic targeting, match types and CPC's in order to generate cost estimates of a keyword search campaign. However, this is a tool that has faced a lot of criticism over the years for its failure to provide accurate data every time it is used. So it is advisable that this tool be used with a pinch of salt and not be considered as gospel truth.
d) Microsoft Excel: Now this may not seem like a 'marketing tool' as such, but it is actually a very powerful one. Excel has an almost countless number of functions. An online marketer can use Excel to make graphs, charts, calculations, pivot tables, data manipulations and functions. Not only can you use it for creating of reports, analysis, keywords, research campaigns and ads, you can also use this tool for creating a whole ad campaign. So if you are trying to make a mark with online marketing, perhaps you could try and learn as many uses and functions of Microsoft Excel as you can.
e) AdWords Editor: This is a free online marketing tool that is going to help you efficiently and quickly create display, search or remarketing campaigns. Bid and campaign management, two things that an online marketer cannot do without, also becomes possible with this tool.
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