Exactly why should you learn WordPress at all? Well, WordPress is the preeminent tool that is used on the Internet to create blogs and other websites for absolutely free. As an owner of a business with a website presence on the internet your blog is the cornerstone of your business. I'll quickly go over a few reasons why you do need to learn WordPress.
WordPress is a free program, you can download it for free from WordPress.org, it doesn't cost a thing. In addition to that, there are millions of videos,
WordPress also has available thousands upon thousands of plug-ins that offer increased functionality and enable you to make thousands of different kinds of websites from coupons to polls and from gambling sites to classified sites, everything's available for WordPress.
Continuing on for the reasons why you need to learn WordPress. WordPress has a feature that upgrades itself and the plug-ins you have as well, it couldn't be easier. Plus Google absolutely loves WordPress, as does Bing and Yahoo as well. Let's face it, that's why were here, is to get exposure for our website and WordPress helps in every way. And last but not least, there are millions of forums online that offer free technical support for press and its many themes and plug-ins.
You just can't go wrong with WordPress. Now let's take a look at some ways you can learn how to use WordPress.
The first place you would want to visit would be WordPress.org, this is the original home of WordPress and it offers a free forum and videos for those that want to learn about WordPress. There is also a message board where you can ask nearly any question about WordPress, somebody will know the answer and come online to help you out. These people are very patient and explain everything in great detail.
The biggest and best place of all to find a complete education on WordPress has to be YouTube.com. On YouTube you can search for a
There are thousands of over the shoulder videos that can take you through setting up any color, theme, plug-ins, software's, nearly anything you can imagine to do with the website, you can do with
If you still can't figure out how to get started with WordPress for your blog or website, there are individual coaching programs available on the Internet. These coaching programs would involve paying a fee, but by the time you're done you would be a pro at everything involving WordPress.
If individual live coaching is too expensive for you, there are full sets of coaching videos that can be purchased for very little cost, that would take you from A to Z on everything that has to do with WordPress as well.
So, as you can see, not only is WordPress the best, free,most popular website and blog building program in the world today, it also has the most online educational tools of any program ever, in the history of the internet. You really can't go wrong by learning WordPress.
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